In 2015, The UN adopted the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, an opportunity for countries and their societies to embark on a new path to improve the lives of all, without leaving anyone behind. The Agenda has 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which range from the elimination of poverty to the fight against climate change, education, equality for women, the defense of the environment or the design of our cities.
Urban sustainability is the search for sustainable development that does not degrade the environment and provide quality of life for citizens. SDG 11 wants to achieve Sustainable Cities all over the world, because Climate Change no longer knows borders, and in BarrioLaPinada we work to achieve this goal defined in this global agenda promoted by the UN.
Trabajamos para alcanzar la Agenda 2030
– Building healthy construccions
– Foster sustainable lifestyles
– Contact with nature
– Promotion of conciliation measures
– The neighborhood as a pedagogical and experimentation tool for students.
– Collaboration in different university programs. Integration of students in the team through internships
– Neighborhood development based on egalitarian urban design criteria.
– Equal participation of women and men in the future governance of the neighborhood.
– Efficiency of water usage.
– Design of an integrated water management.
– Training for responsible water consumption.
– Training for efficient energy use.
– Measurement and monitoring of energy consumption.
– Microfinance of energy infrastructure.
– Direct and indirect job creation
– Promotion of entrepreneurship through collaborations with entrepreneurs.
– Sustainable purchasing policy.
– We promote an open innovation model to transform our industry. With La Pinada Lab, we connect the 4 areas of knowledge to transform our industry and commerce and make it more sustainable.
– We develop technologies at the service of people.
– We improve accessibility to a new home.
– We generate employment for groups at risk of exclusion.
– We collaborate with charitable associations and include social clauses in all our actions.
– We develop inclusive leisure spaces and activities
– We carry out sustainable urban planning and design, generation of a proximity environment (compact city and connected green environments)
– We promote shared transport and sustainable mobility.
– We protect the natural, cultural and historical environment.
– We promote the generation of a cohesive and participatory community.
– Promotion of local commerce in the neighborhood focused on supplying Km0 produce.
– Organization of sustainable markets in the neighborhood with local producers.
– Training on sustainable, conscious and responsible consumption habits.
– We participate in reference forums and networks to promote the fight against climate change. Among others: Innovate4Climate, CONAMA and C40
– We build a resilient environment to climate change.
– We generate a system for measuring, reducing and mitigating carbon footprint
– We carry out reforestation projects to offset our carbon footprint.
– We integrate the values of ecosystems and biological diversity in urban planning.
– We define a multilevel governance framework that facilitates the participation of the different interest groups in the neighborhood.
– We advocate for transparency in all our initiatives.
– We collaborate with different entities to promote alliances and achieve the objectives. Integration in AVAESEN, Climate Kic partners, Members of the Club of Responsible and Sustainable Companies of the Valencian Community, Patrons of the Chair of Business Culture, etc.

Prefer to email? hola@barriolapinada.es
How does it work?
Our co-creation process consists of involving families from the beginning, so that they can share their opinions and help design the neighbourhood and its houses. Your registration demonstrates an interest in this project and gives you:
a) A right to participate in the process
b) A right to access a house of your preference according to order of registration, amongst other variables, that is available for rent or purchase, under the same conditions offered by the market.
Registration does not carry a promise or obligation to obtain a house.