On the morning of Thursday, October 25, Feria Valencia hosted a Sectorial Conference on the prospects for the real estate sector, which brought together more than 200 professionals from the real estate promotion on the eve of the opening of the Urbe show on Friday. In this day, the professionals attending the Day have insisted on the strength of the sector to face a certain slowdown in economic growth, while variables such as the price of land, the positioning of funds, the delay in licenses and the technological challenge are profiled as the main obstacles to the development of the sector.
The day was inaugurated by the general director of Housing, Rehabilitation and Regeneration of the Generalitat Valenciana, Rafael Briet, accompanied by the president and director of Urbe, Juan Valero and Carmen Álvarez respectively, opted for the Comunitat Valenciana to be an active part of the change in the real estate sector.
Already in the part of the speakers, the Day began with the participation of Felix Lores, economist at BBVA Research, who drew a macroeconomic picture in which, while it is true if there is more moderate growth, there is no stagnation in the economy, and noted that in the Valencia Region the sector remains ‘solid’ with sales that have grown 65% since 2013. Lores highlighted the increase in more than 100% of visas in Castellón and 50% in Valencia and Castellón, with a strong upturn in sales in cities such as Aldaia, Torrent or Paterna. In perspective, it predicts a similar growth for next year with a growth in prices of around 4.2%.
In the Day also took part a key player in recent years as the SAREB. Its president, Jaime Echegoyen, reviewed its assets, of which 17% are located in the Comunitat Valenciana, around 23,000 properties, and whose evolution for 2018 is positive, having reached 60 million euros in sales in the first quarter in the region.