The most frequently asked questions about La Pinada

When is the district of La Pinada expected to be built?

The project will be carried out in different stages. The fact that we are co-creating the residential buildings with the future residents and the environment implies a very different process to what we are used to. A traditional project would mean that the residents and the environment were informed with a building permit application. In this project, we want to involve the different actors in the co-creation process and we have anticipated the information for some years.

What is the state of the proceedings for the district? How is the urban planning of the district going to be? Where can I see some plans?

We are currently in the design stage but we started from the values included in the punctual modification number 72 that the City Council of Paterna started in 2015, long before we purchased the land. You can check this in more detail by following thislink, where you will find the technical details of such modification.

Does this project affect the infrastructure plan for Valterna-Lloma Llarga in some way?

No. La Pinada does not have any influence in the investment policies of the Generalitat or the City Council of Paterna.

How is the development of both projects going to affect the mobility of Valterna-Lloma Llarga?

We are aware of the situation that Valterna is facing when it comes to mobility. At La Pinada, we want to cooperate with all parties to reach the best solution.

In the short-term, with the opening of the school in September 2018, we are carrying out a mobility study together with the municipal technical team, which allows us to do simple actions that balance out the increase of traffic derived from the opening of the first stage of the school.

In the mid-term with the first stage of the district and the opening of the secondary school in 2021, we anticipate that the mobility will have changed, and solutions will be promoted from the district that reduce the number of cars per resident, such as car sharing or carpooling, which will also predictably be at the disposal of the residents of Valterna, or anyone who wants to use them.

Why is citizen participation important for the district of La Pinada? How can I take part?

La Pinada plans the creation of an eco-district that considers all the main ideas of sustainability (economy, social and environmental), which is why it must take care of the relations and impacts that it generates in the environment on all levels. To do so, we promote a process of consultation and participation to discover the needs, hopes, expectations and problems that the project can raise, and help to improve the municipality. We started with collaborative meetings with the residents of Valterna and we will be extending the areas of participation because we love to listen. We invite you to leave us your details if you would like us to keep you informed more directly through the channel you prefer( ).

Why is the district of La Pinada somewhat positive about the closest surroundings?

At La Pinada, we follow the direction defined by international organisations of the European Union in their H2020 or the UN, which specifies as theirgoal number 11.

“Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.”

This is a project that goes beyond the construction of the district itself. We want to generate an open and inclusive environment where the school acts as a unifying centre. Why not share knowledge among all the nearby schools? Why not offer the school library to the residents? And how about if we provide flexible areas where work can be carried out?

Our first action along these lines is the landscape adaptation project (further information at –, with which we want to turn the area that the district will take up into a more habitable and sociable place; somewhere where any visitor can enjoy from now. How will we do it? First, we have a team of experts in landscape regeneration and improving biodiversity who will be responsible for taking care and improving the present situation of the landscape. In second place, we want to offer an agenda of healthy activities for all those who are willing to enjoy them with their families.

How have public institutions received the project?

Our participation process is expected to reach and incorporate the maximum number of people and the different social agents. Therefore, on an informative level for now, we have contacted public institutions on a local and autonomous level. We hope that they take part in the participation process so we can find the best solution possible among everyone, and make Paterna (Valencia) a model to follow on an international scale for sustainable developments.

What is an eco-district? What is special about it? Do other eco-districts already exist?

The difference between traditional constructions versus that of an eco-district lies in working sustainability in a transverse way (economical, social and environmental) under the umbrella of some cultural values appropriate to the place. La Pinada originated with the objective to promote and provide:

  • Low-carbon mobility and to share modes of transport
  • Practically zero-energy consumption and low in carbon
  • A concern for people. To confront existing social challenges, boosting co-creation and facilitating accessibility to the residential buildings
  • To promote local business and innovation
  • A respectful use of materials in regard to the environment and inclusion of a circular economy mechanism
  • Management of ethical purchases and application of social clauses in contracting
  • Management of the use of water, recycling and reapplication
  • Care of the biodiversity and the landscape
  • There are different experiences on a national and international level (further information:

    La Pinada eco-district dreams of taking a step further – to advance. The intention is to learn from the lessons that previous experiences have taught us, and improve the district.

Is there not an excess of housing after the recession?

The housing demand for newly built homes depends on many factors such as
demography and the economic and financial conditions of the economy, social behaviours
and the stock itself of empty and used residential buildings.

There is a housing demand that is caused by different sources (the demand for the creation of new homes, out-dated housing, the demand for improvement and the demand for other causes such as residential tourism. Within these sources, there are those who want to buy a new residential building, and others who may be more indifferent. This demand feeds on the housing stock, and the need for new housing emerges when there is insufficient stock.

The experts (IESE) estimate that the housing demand in Spain from 2021 (once the very varied stock sells out by region), will be from 140,000 new residential buildings per year, slightly more than three new residential buildings for every 1,000 residents, and in line with other economies similar to the Spanish one. During the 2016-2020 period, it is expected that the demand for new housing will be 100,000 residential buildings per year, and the majority of new housing stock shall be purchased during that period. In the province of Valencia, it is estimated that this demand will be 7,500 residential buildings as of 2021, and 6,000 in the metropolitan area of Valencia.

Around 1,000 new residential buildings were approved in the province of Valencia from January to October 2016, which proves that more will be needed.

The total sale of residential buildings in the province of Valencia during 2016 was 21,940, of which 3,325 of these were new buildings.

The housing stock in the province of Valencia during 2015 was around 25,000 residential buildings, so supposing all are “sellable”, in normal conditions the stock would sell out in less than 4 years. Up to that date, the stock has been reduced by 18%, just as the national average and the stock ratio/housing stock is at 1.7% under the national average.

How does this fit in with Puerto Mediterráno?

We understand that these are different projects. We are not taking a stance against an independent urban project.

This sounds expensive to me. Can you tell me what the prices of the residential buildings will be?

We are at the design stage and we don’t have the price list for now. In any case, we are studying different housing methods that facilitate accessibility, and one of our objectives is to generate socio-economic diversity within the district. Therefore, we have already anticipated that 30% of the residential buildings will be linked to some kind of public protection, and there will also be residential buildings available to rent.